Presentation of AFRICA Health Consulting (AHC) Office Consultancy

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The human resources team is made up of a network of experts in various fields of health system. In addition, AHC has established a partnership with the preventive medicine and public health department of the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odonto-stomatology
(FMPOS) of Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar in the areas of continuing education. and health studies.
Organization of AHC Consultancy
AHC consultancy was created in July 2007 NINEA 2800 9952 S1 RC 25/07/2007 SN DKR 2007 A 10568 is divided into 2 units :
– “Studies, Planning and Health and Projects and Programs Analysis and Health Financing” Unit AHC Consultancy specializes in policy, planning and development issues in the health sector, and in particular in health systems strengthening, project analysis and evaluation, technical audits, consultancy support, delegated management of health projects/programs, NGO assesses, facilities, and PBF/RBF or Purchase of Health Services with over 15 years experiences.
It has extensive experience, particularly in many countries in Africa, in these areas.
– “Healthcare Professions Training”  Unit The main objective of AHC Consultancy is to support government and private-sector healthcare
structures and services in optimizing the knowledge and skills of their staff at all levels, through practical, certified continuing education. AHC consultancy also has a vast network of experts in the aforementioned fields to ensure quality training. These types of training are intended to be innovative and focused on practical and operational aspects which, in our opinion, should qualitatively improve the performance of healthcare personnel at all healthcare system levels.
With the support of former Health Ministry experts and employers and FMPOS/UCAD
trainers, these certification courses cover the following areas:

1. Reception,emergencies and orientation of patients in health structures
Objective: To enhance the skills of health service staff in patient reception, referral and
emergency management. It covers best practices for welcoming patients, orienting them
effectively and handling emergency situations in a professional manner
2. Hygiene and safety in healthcare facilities
Objective: Raise awareness and strengthen the skills of healthcare staff on the
importance of hygiene and safety at work, with a focus on best practices, protocols and
preventive measures to ensure a safe and healthy working environment
3. Quality management of healthcare services
Objective: Provide healthcare professionals with the tools and techniques they need to
implement and maintain an effective quality management system
4. Management of curative and preventive maintenance of Medical Materiel and Equipment and health buildings
Objective: Acquire the knowledge and skills needed to plan, manage, monitor and control the
maintenance of medical equipment and materiel and medical buildings

5 Health Data Collection, Monitoring, Analysis and On-site Verification Systems, Quality Review and DHIS2 Platform
Objective: Strengthen health professionals' skills in collecting, monitoring and analyzing health
6. On-site mentoring and coaching and assistance staff in employment for better healthcare delivery by old professionals
Objective: Strengthen the skills of healthcare professionals through on-site mentoring and
coaching. It aims to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience between old and new
professionals, in order to improve medical and surgical care and other staff needs as well as the overall management of the healthcare system.
7. Leadership and Management at the level of central and decentralized health services
Objective: To strengthen the leadership and management skills of healthcare personnel,
particularly in the dimensions of leadership and the techniques for influencing, convincing,
motivating and engaging others.
8. Training for Hospital Board members

Objective: Strengthen the capacities of members of the Hospital Boards in management and
Governance steering bodies
9. Advanced and in-depth EXCEL
Objective: Enhance the skills of staff and other agents in advanced EXCEL
11. Kobotoolbox software and platform: powerful tool for developing data collection,
management and analysis forms
Objective: Master data collection techniques, tools and database processing software
12. Training in the Management and Monitoring of Health Projects and Programs:
Objective: Acquire fundamental knowledge of health project and program management,
including MS Project planning software for effective project management
13. Budget and financial management
Objective: Provide to healthcare professionals with the skills they need to effectively manage
budgets and finances within their facilities
13. Protection mechanisms against financial risks linked to illness, an essential pillar of universal health coverage (UHC) and strategic purchasing
Objective: Increase knowledge of the steps involved in implementing UHC as well as the
necessary skills in the various areas of health risk sharing through prepayment mechanisms
according to the country's socio-economic and health context
14. Introduce staff to the policy, planning, management and administration of the healthcare
system and its environment.
Objective: Facilitate integration and understanding of the healthcare system, current healthcare
policy and the working environment within healthcare structures.
15. Management of hospital logistics
Objective: Strengthen the capacities of in-service agents in hospital logistics, product
legislation, hospital policy, fleet management
16. Community Healthcare
Objective: Strengthen the knowledge of agents with a view to promoting health within the framework of a global vision and proximity to populations